
You are a racist alt-right nazi troll. You just cant help give it away with your screen name can you, dummy?

And the detained illegals can be used as free (slave) labor.

And the detained illegals can be used as free (slave) labor.

Companies dont want bigots representing them because it negatively affects business. You know, when you alienate a huge group of people by saying racist things about them?

You sound triggered. You need a safe space from people who are not pc.

The company he works for did not like what he said. Because the things he says offend their customers. Thats the free market. Get used to it.

I’m surprised the police didn’t seize all of her money and assets.

“I’m 100 percent that our people did what they need to do,”

Because the police do not give a shit about people who are not police.

“I was called a liar and told to knock my crap off or they could put another charge on me,

Iced bong hits.

My only hope is that trump has too.

Clo Clux Clan

Jon Stewarts fan base is left wing, so no. Unfortunately.

Republicans do not have a moral or legal agenda. All they want is power and money. We have objective proof in the form of trump.

Did someone say, vampire criminal cartel?

trump thinks he’s living in a 1980's action movie.

I want trump to end up ignored and marginalized.

And trump will introduce this in america in 3... 2... 1...