
Originally I put a comma between daughter and I, but I took it out when I realized that trumps grammar is shit.

‘All this bashing will just have the opposite effect.’

Clearly you are ignorant on the subject. Go read more.

You are an idiot.

You are an idiot.

Whats it like being a troll?

Its about a game developer. Read article. Then comment.

You are gullible.

See, say what you will about Nicholas Cage, but at least he had the courage to build his own career insead of trading on his family name.

Dont mention them.. Theyll hear you...

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

When we’re all dead, who will the pharmaceutical industry sell to?

Talent is not hereditary.

They can get permits and shut down the streets like a real production company does to avoid those problems.

The reason to not assassinate trump is that it would turn him into a right wing martyr that would allow the right wing to claim “emergency powers” that would keep them in office for eternity.

““Fewer than 60,000 individuals’ visas were provisionally revoked to comply with the Executive Order,” said William Cocks of the State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs in an email to NBC News. “We recognize that those individuals are temporarily inconvenienced while we conduct our review under the Executive

I have Transformers fatigue.

I don’t know, I was done after being told a story about pulling someones face off during surgery.

I have friends in the medical world who I refuse to let them talk about their work with me at parties for just that reason. Too many horrifying stories...