liberal media bias


Only if you're not wearing a shirt while you sell it. (You get bonus points if you're ranting and screaming like a crazy person!!)

As any sane person would…

I hated that song as a teen, but one day in my very early twenties it was on the radio and I didn't change the station (as I normally would have) and realized how fantastic it is. Since then, I've loved it.

Given how amazing the album is as a whole, I think "Something in the Way" is an overlooked gem. God, it's such a great song.

"Sloop John B" is my favorite Beach Boys track (although, "Good Vibrations" is an awfully close second…).

You know, I appreciate the intro a whole lot more now that I'm older. When I was young, I mostly just looked forward to when the track started rocking.

Talib Kweli “Get By”
Radiohead “Black Star”
The Four Tops “Bernadette”
Radiohead “Paranoid Android”
Nirvana “Lithium”
Mos Def “Umi Says”
Shearwater “Only Child”
Pearl Jam “I Am Mine”
Enter the Haggis “Follow”
Led Zepplin “Over the Hills and Far Away”
James “Laid”
Daft Punk (ft. Julian Casablancas) “Instant Crush”

Two things, etc…

There are articles??

"Yes!! One quarter of the way to my EGOT!"
- Capital One Mastercard

Except not "Hilarious"…

"Lying", or was she just using "alternative facts"? (There is a difference…right?)

I was told there'd be no math!

How about if the moon was made of spare ribs? Would you eat it then?

"Now"? I'm pret-ty sure this was already the case for anyone who comments here at the AV Club…

I think Kellyanne is using the alternative definition: fem·i·nis·m, noun; the general belief men should be paid more money for doing the exact same job, make decisions for poor, helpless women, and have their dinner ready to be served to them when they get home.

It's nice to see Shakespeare's words are still fondly remembered.

I was saying "Great Boo-urns"

"Only being able to buy reindeer pelts on Amazon" vs. "Trump is the fucking president."