Based solely on the "Kevin Spacey playing a cat" Coming Distraction, I'm guessing that felines will be well-represented at the 2017 Oscars.
Based solely on the "Kevin Spacey playing a cat" Coming Distraction, I'm guessing that felines will be well-represented at the 2017 Oscars.
Frank Stallone?
You have our eternal gratitude* for getting the situation rectified!
I think I saw that one on PornHub. The title was slightly different, though.
Uh, how 'bout a "spoilers warning" or something?
Like the Republican Party, for example.
Superman Returns with a Cat
Sure, but that's your answer to everything.
"How the hell is this tissue standing straight up…oh, never mind."
Like Batman's cape??
We should erect a monument…again.
Community college.
No problem, yo. I am, if nothing else, a man of the people.
Rightfully so, I'd say.
Start mumbling to yourself and looking rapidly all over the place. Furrowing your brow might help too.
And in the next movie she was cast as his grandmother.
Beats, you know, actually working…
Great, the feminists won.
Fair enough. I mostly come here to see who Spike Lee angrily tweets, catch up on my Simpsons references, and see how Xanderpuss is using the word "logorrhea" today. (Then I nap.)
Who reads the articles??