liberal media bias

Are we voting on this? Because, for some reason or other, I'm partial to the Antarctic Science Base idea…

Apparently. That one guy who is associated with the show said it has, so it must be true.

American Horror Story: The 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates

He was just swimming…

Maybe you'd be really surprised?

Detroit's "healthy, outdoor" lifestyle is a tad different than, well, most places…

Is she maybe related to Trump somehow? Long lost cousins or fraternal twins or something?

I don't know, I think she's still hugely inspirational for that time she got her groove back in that one documentary about getting her groove back. Can't remember what it was called, though…

Is there any other kind??


I felt much safer when she was in prison. Or was that a different female media mogul? I get them all confused…

I think the problem is having "expectations" when it comes to the AV Club…

Doing the lord's work, that one…

Man, I bet Battlefield Earth would make for a classic episode…


Jake Gyllenhaal is really Marshawn Lynch?! I knew it.

I don't know if they've ever covered anything that strange or that has made so little sense…and these people riffed on The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy, The Slime People, and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

Mitchell or GTFO!

I'm excited for it. I was a big Joel fan and was very disappointed - as only a kid can be - when Mike took over, but then he was fantastic as well. I think the reason MST3K works so well is the format. Plus, it might give new talent exposure and the opportunity to shine.

My goal is to be more of an "Indentured Servant Mason," myself.