Liberal George

Whether or not you are satire is irrelevant to the fact that you are also correct.

In other SC news, eager to repeat the Ginsburg Maneuver (some combo of arrogance/idiocy/selfishness leading you to believe your brilliant mind just has to stay in office when you might otherwise be replaced by an administration favorable to your legal philosophy), 82-year-old Breyer chose not to retire today, which

Mike Bloomberg spent $112 million in 2018 to buy you the House majority.  Did you want to give the seats back?  After all, you don’t like him.  He’s an evil billionaire, except when you want his money.

Bernie/Rose Twitter is absolutely vile. It is no better than MAGA twitter; it’s just another side of the same coin. Just because I may be ideologically much closer to them doesn’t mean that I like them any more.

Jezebel must be getting worried about Bloomberg. Here come the hit pieces.

This “Hilary needs to go away” shit is getting really old.

Stop asking Hillary to “fade into obscurity/go away”. She doesn’t owe you jack shit. Election win or no, she’s still arguably the most prominent female politician in the country, save Pelosi, Warren and maybe AOC. That’s an interest all the whining in the world won’t erase. And claiming she’s going to ‘lose us the

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I think that interchange is going to be what people remember from Warren last night, and that because of that, she’s probably going to be seen as having at best a kind of so-so night. Buttigieg’s “I’m the only one who isn’t a millionaire/billionaire” line is a pretty good one, but the line that hurt Warren in that

Shut up, tomato.

Shut up, tomato.

How’s the fam, tomato?

“We liberals”

It might be my favorite of all the ‘tomato’ accounts. As a parody of the Candice Aiston wing of the Democratic Party, it’s not half bad. The Russian Information Channel one that comes in after every goodbye post on Friday gets me good too, especially when people who don’t get the joke start arguing with it. 

It’s just tomatoface and his weak-ass trolling again, don’t bother.

Shut up, tomato.

Did that make sense to you as you typed it?

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