
I take a magnesium supplement (malate, citrate, glycinate combo) to offset constipating effects of another medicine I need. It sadly hasn’t helped, migraines, anxiety, or blood pressure. It does somewhat help restless leg, and sleep. YMMV

Dog whistle much?

Google images aren’t always reliable either. Google still shows my neighbor’s hundred year old house that has been torn down and replaced, shows mine before it was painted, and shows the VW Beetle convertible I haven’t owned in over a decade.

Stove top stuffing, frozen shrimp, frozen squash. Prepare each separately and mix together for unstuffed squash.

Preach it, Arch! And the health and wellness crowd can just shove that where the sun don’t shine. They don’t give a rat’s patootie about the health of the obese, any more than the cabal who bitch about peeps on food stamps eating Snickers because it’s not healthy. If they wanted po folk to buy healthy organic food,

An even better statistic is the one for how many dieters gain back all their weight, plus more. It’s close a staggering 100%. Yet we’re expected to believe that people who are often very accomplished in many other areas of their lives can’t manage this simple task. Fercryinoutloud - Oprah Winfrey has the best cooks

The problem is that obesity is as much a genetic reality as being trans. If diet and exericise were the answer, 80% + of the individuals who try it wouldn’t gain all the weight back plus more. Scientists in other fields would be labeled charlatans if they promoted theories with such a spectacular failure rate.

I look forward to the day when we see as much outrage about an actor donning a fat suit to resemble a real-life person, as we now do when White people don makeup to play minorities.

Actually it was the opposite. She was pregnant and the ONLY purpose the suit served was to hide that fact.

I’m a Jewish woman from New Jersey” Letting those Christians off the hook for once.

“I’m a Jewish woman from New Jersey . . . I live in Oakland, asshole.” Racist homophobia. It’s not just for Mason Dixon Evangelicals any longer