
is that really a pic of him being lynched? yeah his ex girl may be trumping up the allegations, but also he seems insufferable.

Yeah honestly, he’s really trying to play up the “this happened because I’m a black man” angle and frame this around the fragile white women trying to take down the scary black man narrative. And as a man of color, I don’t buy it. Like Jen said down below, his writing and social media commentary are masturbatory and,

Earnest Baker really really wants you to like his roll as victim here. Seems like he had the dough to beat the rap. No matter, with a damaged reputation he’ll knead more dough soon.

A story of a boy and his sled.

Well, the italian criminal code considered a man killing his sister, wife, or daughter because she tarnished his “honor” a mitigating circumstance until the 1980s.

MISOGYNY is poison and it kills women by the thousands every day. Take the fundamentalism away, you will still have misogyny. It finds a different container (viz Atheist bros). MISOGYNY is everywhere in every belief and non-belief system. It’s bigger than fundamentalism by far. I’ll die fighting this war and it won’t

I can’t - off the top of my head - but the Catholic Church and their decades long cover up of institutional child abuse can't really thrown stones.

You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist

They use the same logic with gay people. Gay men are weak because they either impersonate women or think highly of women (this isn’t discounting the misogyny within the gay community). My mother, a Somali woman, used to say I was disrespecting my manhood by getting climbed into. For some reason she could only picture

“Thought she was being overdramatic”.

So do I, most days. And I am one.

Fundamentalism, in all its forms, across religions and cultures both, is a poison. Fuck them all.

Every new restaurant that opens in my city is moving towards unisex bathrooms. I hope this trend continues.

I think we all know the most reasonable solution: separate restrooms for conservative men.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: we have more reason, statistically speaking, to fear conservative men in bathrooms than trans men and women. Between Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert in the locker room, among others, republican men get up to much seedier shit in a restroom than trans people.