Libby Hill

Ah, while the online screeners are good, I feel like sometimes I miss some of the finer details. Thanks!

But WHY was she in the mammoth shed?

Ugh. I'm an idiot. This is absolutely right.

Oh my God, I can't believe I forgot to mention Mei's "Blank Space" plating style which looks like what happens when your pizza delivery guy takes a corner too quickly on the way to your house.

If it's in Svalbard I expect some motherfucking armored bears to show up.

Oh my god, I hate myself.

Broad City has actually used the "completely nude but blurred" tactic several times already this season.

Something I don't understand about this show (that I didn't get to mention) is how nerdy Winnie and Margaret Farquhar were styled exactly the same.

Y'all are quiet when we agree on things.

Not sure Doug winning was necessarily some larger signifier of Blais' prowess. It's difficult to use that logic as some sort of proof since one of his chefs was also eliminated.
I, for one, am over the senseless like of Blais. But I will take your point and keep my hurtful criticism of him to its specially cordoned

While I'd agree that my dislike of Gregory is largely nonsensical (as is dislike/like of most any reality show contestant) it actually WASN'T something that began with the season as I was very excited about Gregory's inclusion on this season after my familiarity with him from Cutthroat Kitchen.

You're my second-favorite person in the whollllllle world.

I think that may come up in something tomorrow…


I mean, they haven't cancelled Toddlers and Tiaras yet so those kids could make it yet.

Even Todd does!
I, however, do not.

Todd liked H8R way more than anyone else in our apartment.

Damn. I didn't even realize I'd done that, since my AVC registration is also midwestspitfire. Hrm.