
If you do it enough, your cuticles are so fucked that you keep saying, "I'm just going to fix this one..." As for how... I don't know, I just start chewing. It's really satisfying when one has started to heal and gets a nice crusty scab on it... Ok, now I'm grossing myself out but I know I'm not the only one who does

I'm pretty sure my husband never understood my fascination with Bret Michaels but he watched three seasons of "Rock of Love" with me like a champ!

Good. I'm sick of reading about prostitution stings where only women are arrested... how can you only arrest women when it takes two for prostitution even happen? (And not to mention all the other reasons the men should be called out)

I bite my nails AND the cuticles. I'm basically self-cannibalizing. I don't curr!

I had to scroll way too far to find a joke about "Poundland". Disappointed I am.

Jesus. Just do what the dead person wants. The person who most likely knows this information is the lover/spouse. AND DONT STEAL THE ASHES AND REFUSE TO RETURN THEM TO THE SPOUSE.

This has destroyed one of fave Canadian shows!!

What a thickebag.

I've only heard about people's horrible experiences with IUDs. My BFF bled and was in pain for months. My mom got pregnant.


Wooooo! I love kitchenette, it never fails me.*

I'll admit it, I was disappointed that it wasn't Florida. This is the kind of thing that happens in Titusville, FL.

Maybe check the definition of "rabid". *snort*

If you don't allow your kids to see ANY kissing, why are you watching sports? KISS CAM MFERS.

Oh, please. My mother forgot me at school, girl scouts... one day I was at friend's playing outside in the front yard and my mom cruised right by on her way home, got home, started making dinner, and then finally realized she'd forgotten me. Shit happens, people are different, but it in no way indicates how important

Must be nice to be so perfect.

Thanks for informing me that I can only hold opinions on, or be knowledgeable about, the specific characteristics of my life. Fool.

I hate to get technical but if you join the military, you sign up to do whatever war activities the pricks in government decide to order you to do.

ok, that last one was so unexpected, I barked with laughter!

Nigel! Cracking me up, I love it!