
Flip flops, gym shorts, and a t shirt here. Love my job.

I know it sucks to lose friends, but you totally did the right thing. I lost what I thought was a really good friend over something similar and gay people. How about I am not shitting you.

GAH!! You're soooo right!! My friend was wrong on soooo many levels!

It was a tongue-in-cheek question. Learn to recognize.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I just know that everyone gets in an uproar when the populations of Asia are sweepingly declared "Asian" because there are very specific differences.

You can dress up as a black person without using black face. As I tried to explain to my BFF several years ago when she thought dressing up as Troy Polamalu and using black face was funny. There is NO NEED to use blackface when you have a jersey and a wig. It is obvious who you are. If it isn't and you can't figure

Yep. So just keep on going, ignoring anything unpleasant because... what are you gonna do?

Well, here now, I have a question. We are repeatedly told that "Asian" is not a race because there are so many specific groups. Do we give credit to this dude for at least being specific with his racism?

Wouldn't that make the person African-Canadian?

Just give cash. Actual gifts just make for a huge pain-in-the-ass when it comes time for the divorce.

I spent the entire summer between fourth and fifth grade teaching myself to roll my Rs.

Right, then why the need to scare the shit out of them and smash their phone? Obviously the education thing hasn't done its thang.

My dad used to spoon MAYONAISE. It was soooo gross to watch. Even thinking about it... *shudder*

I like to use Ritz crackers (Triscuits/some other in a pinch) but I am certainly willing to try pretzels!

Do you even know what you're talking about at this point? Or are you just typing to see yourself type and it makes you feel special?

Well, then why even bother with the spoon when you have a perfectly good finger? I was trying to keep it civilized! :)

Wow, way to take one for the team! :)

I'm sorry. I stopped reading when I found out I am black. I, too, consider bagels to be solely a cream-cheese delivery vehicle.

The person in the car would most likely be in a panic because that is what happens to most normal people when something crazy happens — their fight or flight reflexes kick in and you just got in an accident and OH MY GOD. If you're capable of being a cucumber in that situation, bully for you (and you might want to