
If the harm out weighs the good then, yeah, that invalidates it. And the excuses and vague nonsense you’ve built your argument on is the definition of kid gloves. Why do I have to value religion by it’s stated dogma instead of the actions of it’s followers? Why can’t we directly weight the harm it does against the

Frankly, atheists should stay out of these discussions. They have nothing to add but, “Oh, you’re all stupid and I’m better so, nyaaaaah.”

No. Fuck this and fuck you. Religion is a part of my culture and extends into the public sphere, going so far as to dominate it in some places. That makes the its actions and influences my business regardless of my lack of belief. I’m sorry the idea that religion is largely a method of oppression and exploitation and

Religion is religion. Bullshit sexist misogyny abounds. I think all my progressive friends (of which I am proudly part of) give Buddhism and Hinduism way too much of a pass. Fuck namaste if it perpetuates rape culture, violence against women, and homophobia. I have to be consistent: you got religion? Sell that shit

While I totally agree that we shouldn’t tell pregnant women what to do with their own bodies, I also think a little of Beautiful goddess Chrissy Tiegan’s anger is odd.

Data analysis isn’t for anyone, huh?

So... you suggest that someone’s argument is based on anecdotal evidence and then respond to it with... anecdotal evidence.