Amandla Stenberg has been a bit of a hero for a while now. She made a great video for a school project on the appropriation of black culture:…
Amandla Stenberg has been a bit of a hero for a while now. She made a great video for a school project on the appropriation of black culture:…
As others have said here, unless she has lifted quotes, your statement is inaccurate; she is simply using the accepted academic terminology from the social sciences. I teach politics at a university and would be pretty confused to see references for every phrase like ‘intersection.’
Not sure where you’re from, but here in the UK ‘wankered’ means extremely drunk!
I read that as ‘New Jersey rogan josh running for president.’ I blame a very long day at work.
How kind of them to swap seats so you didn’t have to sit by the person with a colostomy bag. Disabled people are the worst, amirite?
You’re totally not; I’m starting to feel the same *hugs*
What an appalling thing for her to say to you! Totally unnecessary :(
At least there is usually veggie pizza/pasta available in Italy! Travelling in northern Spain was the worst for me. The food was very homogenous (no curry, no pizza) and there were almost no vegetarian options in the local cuisine. Also they really did seem to think that ham was a vegetable. It was so stressful.
On a good day, this woman looked like a melted toad who’d been finger painted by especially cruel and talentless children
Ahahahahaha that is beautiful!
You are awesome. All the stars for your 11th grade self.
Aaw, brain cancer is the worst (my grandma had it) - sending lots of love your way!
I’m doing a PhD in international relations (specifically security and gender) and my masters thesis was on army recruitment advertising. My boyfriend kindly informed me that marine reserves are like the territorial army (I’m in the UK); thanks for that, darling, it isn’t like I research this, or anything...
as if high on meth or tina.
My boyfriend once asked if I wanted a hand taking the recycling out. I said yes and his response was 'oh... I wasn't expecting you to say yes... I don't really want to.' At least he pretended he wanted to help, I suppose.
Aaaw, sending big internet hugs your way!
I teach at a university famous for fairly wealthy students. We had one parent call us asking what on earth their child was supposed to do during 'reading week.' Um, how about read?
Your class can change in the UK, too; to be honest, it's a pretty complex subject on the whole. I've had a long day, so I'll just copy and paste something from my teaching materials for my undergrad class:
>> But if you think that Kate is the same class as William because they both went to St. Andrews, I'm not sure your grip on it is all that reliable either.