Hustler of Culture

Unfortunately for Shaq this could be serious, as (if reports can be believed) sex with Shaq can count as assault with a deadly weapon

Holy shit, so that's where Kuato has been hiding all this time

New rule - if you appear on Around the Horn, you are not allowed to be called a writer

//thinking of excuse

You win the right to keep your comments in pink....

Wilpon just ripped the cop in his latest interview

Fashion is for single people and Gawker employees. I am married with kids and wear whatever the fuck I want!

Why is he holding a lop-sided shake-weight?

Mitch's next column - Smart Phones and how they could catch on

Also powerless for the Wizards - all players not named John Wall

The characters in Toy Story look more life-like than Oprah in that photo...

So I am supposed to do what? Actually watch the baseball game? Not gonna happen....

//Scans picture quickly

That fan got taken out like he was living in a mansion in Pakistan

Those guys in the video need more calcium

I do love however that this employee wasn't bright enough to make up some fake email address and send the information in. Feels about right...

Too bad Oriole's employees are plotting ways to find some offense...

I remember sitting on the flight home, dick in my hand, wondering what had just happened.

Later during the game, he moved out of the way right as a wayward pass was heading their direction...

What is the symbol for the BJ giving hookers?