Hustler of Culture

The Mottrams are not impressed

@tekamul: See we never created a real joint account. We just split the bills fairly and pay them. Its worked for us... #fksfridays

Jim Nantz is not the only person who can't find her.... #jimnantz

And Cada was last seen driving away from Detroit as fast as his car would go... #worldseriesofpoker

Will he at least show up on the right page? #bookexcerpts

"Nope. Poop is ergonomically designed for easy flushing, with its snakelike contours. I say it's not possible"

My eyesight isn't so good, is that Vinny Cerrato? #memphistigers

Come on, everyone knows this is McNabb's fault!

All hail the power of the Deadspin

"Bubble screens account for 90% of the Redskins' playbook alone"

Leonard Little won multiple World Series titles? #joegirardi

Just to be clear: we have a comedy actor commenting on a news anchor on a sports site? Gotcha

I guarantee that the driver of that truck has a pencil-thin beard and a "tribal" tatoo on his arm... #newyorkyankees

@fasulo.n001: Affirmed. That's my old neighborhood, could practically hear Wally's from my apt... #peterking