Don't you hate pants!!
Don't you hate pants!!
Not picture: his buddy wearing the Rosemary's Baby jersey
So did anyone else hear Chris Collinsworth say "ruh-roh" last night?
Refresh my memory: isn't Roosevelt a magnet school? And West went there?
He was in DC. Two handguns and a shotgun are considered light defense in the nation's capital....
How is this different than the Raiders hiring dead people?
Holy Dear God, where is the nightmare fuel tag?
And then those asshole commenters make some rude joke that has a dick reference and half the time a reference to a dead horse. Whats wrong with those people?
//standing O
So...never read [] is what you're saying here right?
@EminentSmithDomain: Seriously, how about just one article a week? It can be the baseball equivalent to KSK's PK ass-ripping
@UkraineNotWeak: I'm definitely taking that day off of work
You parents must be so proud
@Bobby Big Wheel: Close, its the equivalent of waking up to see a 300lb, Rosie O'Donnell look-a-like who not only stayed the night but is making you breakfast....
@Moose A. Moose: You sir, have the worst name and avatar ever. Its bad enough I have to sit through that every morning, now you want to bring that into Deadspin?
Football! NFL! Jamboroo! Holy fucking shit what a day!
He was so thankful for catching the fish that he felt the fishing pole deserved a bj?
From that picture, it appears that she would have a stronger throwing arm than him
Building a stadium full of Orange and Blue has worked so well for the Mets, no wonder other teams want to share in that success