Hustler of Culture

@Gravy: So who is Barabas? Donte Stallworth?

I guess he has more time to work at the video store


Actually, this sounds like a really great idea. Anything to make baseball cards relevant again should be done.

Fun fact: In the entire history of the franchise, the Texans have used a first or second round pick on an offensive lineman exactly twice, and only once in the past six years. Last year, the Texans gave up 32 sacks, and that was the second lowest tally in team history

You didn't answer the most important question! Do any boxers use steroids?

Oh hells yes.

Maybe if he'd used the right cover on his TPS reports, he'd be employed right now...

So Rudy Gay is a starred commenter?

Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jason Grimsley and David Segu

Are they sure its not the Manny Ramirez from Medford?

just like NAMBLA and Catholics

All this talk about beating meat makes me wish I was alone....

Have we even seen Roger Goodell and Meredith Grey in the same room? Just asking....

He is just trying to parque this into another job

He is polite to women? I guess someone at ESPN has to be....

Don't you know, you need to prepare a virgin house before driving into it...

video of the world's strongest vagina in action