Hustler of Culture

So I watched Running Man last night...has any 80's movie held up worse but still remained as entertaining?

//golf clap

So if the Skins trade Campbell and a 1st for Cutler and then Cerrato disappears and is never heard from wasn't me.

Nobody is using the locker because every time you hang more than 3 shirts, its collaspes

I'm assuming you can get a value meal with a Diet Coke to even it out...

I heard that Cutler was traded for Romo....

After the interview, Jeff George got into his Dodge Stratus and drove home

@ClintonPortishead: Damn it, you go get a drink of water, come back, and realize you've missed your chance to make a "stabbed in the neck joke". Those don't come around everyday....

Wow, being a freshman is a lot harder now than when I was in school...

Why don't these games start earlier? Don't they realize I am getting old and will be asleep on the couch by halftime of the Nova/Duke game?

My car isn't dilapidated! I mean....what a weird story

He wasn't just in a hapless daze...he was checking out her ass

CIT = Completely Irrelevant Tournament?

Why did you have to show a picture of him that was taken during his prostrate exam?