@JayCutlersInsulin: Several actually:
@JayCutlersInsulin: Several actually:
Sweet, I'm sure the O's will come out on top of this trade
Wow, first Facebook and then this. Will must be spinning over in his grave....
@KOGOD: He's got his arm around EA....
I'd like to send a big fuck you to Ed Reed for ending the season of my real and fantasy football teams.
Clearly this picture was taken as he was looking at the Song Girls....
There are really running out of ideas for Jackass
@Seabass: I was not looking for an honest answer. I was expecting something including a dick joke...
Remember that Communications 101 class you took where you'd spend hours inspecting the Land O Lakes package with a magnifying glass to search for penis-shaped trees?
I live in San Diego currently but I'm from Indianapolis and a Colts fan
@Theodore_Donald_Kerabatsos: I would make a joke, but I would sometimes watch the candlepin bowling on WNDS on Sat mornings when in college.
Add CourtTV to the list of networks that have been outbid by ESPN for crap that no one wants to watch anyway....
Now they just wait for the winner of SUNY Taint and SUNY Balls
Whatever, he'll be fired after year allowing the heat to be turned back on
@DorkimusPrime: +1 for referencing one of the most underrated lines evah!
What no stories about how the top free agents are all signing with the O's?
I'm just assuming the Penn State fragrance smells like JoePa's adult diapers....