What you missed while thinking today was a good day to go to a bar during lunch
What you missed while thinking today was a good day to go to a bar during lunch
What the fuck was that?
@Spors Gratia Sportis: I think his hiatus will last as long as the TV show does....
@Spors Gratia Sportis: What about the Boondocks? Before the show (which is good in a VERY different way), I thought it was the best one out there....
Now that's timing - The Charlie Brown Theme Song by Vince Gauraldi just came on my Yahoo Radio
@Clare: I believe Robot Chicken already did it....
Has he actually BEEN to NJ? Just asking because umm....
@TheStarterWife: No shit! Don't they understand that we are all at work....
No, No
This is just a pre-cursor to the surprise announcement that Disney bought Gawker just to shut this down...
The lesson I learned today - do not mock Cubs fans about Zambrano missing this start....
@Matt_T: Or MXC?
@shea_guevara: @Thundercracker: You could probably picture what this guy looked like within two guesses....
What you missed while being behind a car with the bumpersticker of "May America Bless God"
@supermike5alive: Well see the comment was supposed to be something called a joke. I said something not necessarily true to elicit a humorus reaction from reader.
@supermike5alive: Okay so I looked at that page because of the Remy thread. When you posted the link, I thought I'd peruse it one more time and now its blocked. That is by far the fastest our IT group has ever done anything....
@She Blinded Me With Violence: damnitall
In Russia, naked girls look at you
Having lived in Boston for 12 years, there is a reason why nobody was taking off their clothes during the "riot"....