Hustler of Culture

What you missed while thinking today was a good day to go to a bar during lunch


What the fuck was that?

@Spors Gratia Sportis: What about the Boondocks? Before the show (which is good in a VERY different way), I thought it was the best one out there....

Now that's timing - The Charlie Brown Theme Song by Vince Gauraldi just came on my Yahoo Radio

@Clare: I believe Robot Chicken already did it....

Has he actually BEEN to NJ? Just asking because umm....

@TheStarterWife: No shit! Don't they understand that we are all at work....

No, No

This is just a pre-cursor to the surprise announcement that Disney bought Gawker just to shut this down...

The lesson I learned today - do not mock Cubs fans about Zambrano missing this start....

What you missed while being behind a car with the bumpersticker of "May America Bless God"

@supermike5alive: Well see the comment was supposed to be something called a joke. I said something not necessarily true to elicit a humorus reaction from reader.

@supermike5alive: Okay so I looked at that page because of the Remy thread. When you posted the link, I thought I'd peruse it one more time and now its blocked. That is by far the fastest our IT group has ever done anything....

In Russia, naked girls look at you

Having lived in Boston for 12 years, there is a reason why nobody was taking off their clothes during the "riot"....