Liam McEneaney

NO! The important thing is that there's a knee jerk reaction to something on the Internet with no actual knowledge to back it up.

"How many white filmmakers have actually addressed the nitty-gritty, insidious social constructions of race and racism?"

He is, however, associated with two decades of some of the best-written comedy on television. Situation comedy, to be sure, but it's the same reason the Monty Python guys were always able to headline films, sitcoms, travelogues, and a Broadway play. Even though they were stepping out of the element they were known

They didn't just slap Hitchcock's name on the title and hand in the scripts for hosting segments day of. Hitch was actually an involved creative producer, who also directed several episodes of the show.

Slow down!


I'll say it. I only knew the title going in and had the best experience.

I enjoyed this movie, and went in completely blind, and the entire movie is the main characters telling the audience over and over what the metaphors of the movie mean. It gets pretty hamhanded, to the point it seems intentional.

"I also find it extremely funny that Doritos, with its extremely crappy advertising and (no puns intended) inherent cheesy, corny nature, ranks near the absolute top of what is 'cool.'"

And vicee-versee!

Jack Frost???

And vicee-versee!

^This. Dylan has been campaigning on the down-low for AT LEAST 20 years now.

It takes a lot to laugh
It takes a train to cry
It takes a United States general to admit that Captain Ripper might have exceeded his authority.

Most people didn't like Bernie. It happens.

That's called Better Off Ted Syndrome.

I've seen her stand-up, and I personally think she's funny as hell.

The NPR thing happened live on the air, so there was no chance of avoiding it. Whereas the AP non-denial happened in a pre-taped interview on a separate subject that wasn't part of the story they were reporting.

So you want the sort of courtesy and respect you aren't providing me? No thanks.

"Artists aren't making enough money, so I'm going to make sure they get no money!" - some "fans"