Liam Pisan

Maybe next time the MacDuffs will just make themselves the captain rather than rely on the influence of the first officer position.
Or was the issue they had no idea how to run the ship?

I would say that, the fourth season of Justice League (Unlimited), and this are my top three, in no true order.

Moffat's run always struck me as far too painfully messy (admittedly season six is the primary cause of this). The idea Davies is better at managing seasons whereas Moffat is better at stand-alone episodes is entirely accurate. Moffat has The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink and

David Bowie, please? Please?

… You should probably hate yourself for using the wrong KASHMIR.

This is probably the highest quality review of the album I have read because of its understanding of what Arcade Fire is attempting to accomplish:…

Consider this a reply to all of your posts made since my previous comment.



They are the ninth ranked band on, and the youngest band in the top ten. I think your assessment is a fair one.
Interestingly enough, the Clash and the Pixies are ranked lower; make of that what you will.