Liam Jameson Enright

It's definitely aping the Beach Boys' sound, like the percussion and the bari sax in the bridge especially. That's part of why I love this song, like I enjoy imagining Bruce just getting into The Beach Boys in his 50s.

Caught Torque on TV a couple months ago and was transfixed. What a delightfully stupid movie.

Oh dude thank you I thought I might be the only Outlaw Pete defender

As sweet as "Girls in Their Summer Clothes" is, I also hear so much melancholy in that song. It sounds like the loneliness of growing old sharpened by contrast with Bruce's sense of optimism. I also love that it's basically Bruce doing his best Brian Wilson, like he finally got hip to the Beach Boys at some point in

Awful lonesome

Napoleon Dynamite. And you know what? Blades of Glory, too. I'll go to bat for John Heder's career.

Fine, I'll be the one to say it. Napoleon Dynamite.

I ushered for the same Steve Miller show at Jazz at Lincoln Center 3 times this week. 3 times I heard him cheerfully exclaim "don't let me be the rabbit!" and each time he was talking about sex.

Return of the Jedi is also debatable because, of course, of it's pro-Vietcong propaganda.

I mean wouldn't conservatives be pro-french rev, also?

It also implies J. Jonah Jameson is a liberal, which I find highly unlikely.

The Tree of Life is an adaptation of the book of Job, evidently. Part of me wants to call complete bullshit on that, but another part of me thinks maybe that's true and I'm just not smart enough to understand how. Oh of course, the dinosaurs are Job's kids!

"I am a God" -Phil Connors

The Dark Knight Rises "features a subtle condemnation of the French revolution." That explanation puzzles me to no end.

BRUH, the dance scene in Ex Machina

Even if Snyder had a better grasp of what this story meant, Akerman and Matthew Goode's performances might still sink this movie for me. The only other thing I've seen Akerman in is Rock of Ages *turns beat red*, but I've heard good things about her in other projects, which coupled with the totally lifeless, creepily

And don't even get me started on that moment in the prison where they sub in a guy having his throat slit with that same guy instead HAVING HIS ARM CUT OFF WITH A CHAINSAW *RNNN-NN-NNN-NNNnnn* *guitar solo*

That's the troubling thing about the movie, it can't not deal with underlying fascism of superheroes because that's just inherent in the source text (which Snyder, at least in terms of plot, is ultra-reverent of), but while Moore is clearly troubled by that fascism and critical of it, Snyder is full on seduced by it.

That part in the Mr. Bean movie where he gets his head stuck in a turkey made me flee the theater.

Are you so sure they weren't?