Liam Caldermayn

Given the fact that people have the weirdest way possible to travel across the ocean, is that really that unusual ?

I'm sorry but ... do we possibly need such a detailed enviroment in games?

Should've called him 'Gotham' when it is confirmed its a male.

Mind you, NCSoft was also responsible cutting down the continuation of City of Heroes, so I take this with a mixed feeling here of how they approach things at the moment.

This gives me the Initial D feeling.

How are you dealing with items like books, which require leather to bind one to get bookcases for decoration and better enchantments?

He's one I respect, simply because he keeps on drawing here, even when he might feel or even hate doing it. Because sometimes, you just need to bite the bullet on things in order to get better at them.

And here I thought China did only change their Wi-Fi password.

I'm not 100% convinced about the voice acting here in english. They often seem to miss the intensity and impact the japanese voices bring over at scenes and moments, like for instance in that fight at 2:00 where Gladiolus golf-swings Noctis's weapon on that beast - The voice at that moment felt overly plain and kind