Vítor Amaral

He's done a lot of good work, I'd like to stress that, but like many others he's too in love with reductionist theories and many of his conclusions are iffy at best. My main objection is that referencing him in this context shows a considerable lack of forethought, which makes me dubious of the entire project

The neurologist Simon Baron-Cohen argues that there are two kinds of brains: one hardwired for empathy and one hardwired for building and understanding systems. (The former is usually a female brain and the latter a male brain, in Baron-Cohen’s account – but let’s put that aside for now.) He writes: “Empathizing is

Freestyle Mutating.

Maybe People should take the time to understand the complain before criticizing.

Steam and PSP!

Yup i see it... it's just missing the legs :P

I wish more covers looked like this. Less chin down eyes up, more art direction.

I have plenty of money for gaming. I own hundreds of games, many I never even open. And this is the first couple of consoles I've felt little to no reason to own at launch. It just feels like there's really nothing there but a graphical update, and probably the smallest generational one we've ever seen so far. I wash

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The lower-key throne in the series made for one of the best scenes of last season. Yeah the picture looks cool, but the throne as an allegory for the lies the characters say to themselves in order to keep some semblance of order in their chaotic world fits in much better thematically.

At least the 1DS has a screen, as opposed to the 0DS.

Tapping into the inner id of gamers? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize being a gamer and sexism went hand in hand. I'll fix that asap, and ask Bethesda why I can't level up my Skyrim character by staring at boobs.

This one is actually my favorite.

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It ain't an Ultra Combo discussion without a mention of Killer Instinct:

There was this space invaders game for winos a while back that used random files as enemies, when you destroyed them it would delete the file. Was fun to do a fresh install on a machine and see how long you could play before something critical was deleted.

What if you kill an enemy and the original file is deleted?

The cons I've been to have been really respectful with regards to more revealing cosplay. I've never heard someone called a slut, and I wouldn't expect to. It should never be regarded as "normal" to treat someone this way, nor should it be expected. As for your view that girls don't like comics and only play casual