Vítor Amaral

For me it had the opposite effect though. I was all like “meh, people die all the time, whatever” with this series which was good in the beginning since there was always a chance for a character you like to just die, adding tension. Until it was happening all the time...

Thanks. I’ll check it out :)

The thing that bothers me the most about all these discussions on her opinions is that most of the “controversial” things she says is pretty much social sciences 101. Things that are really studied in the academy and a bunch of kids are treating them as a bar (do kids go to bars?) conversation.... *sigh*


Where is that from?

Dude, let it go. I understand that you are trying to make a commentary on reverse machismo or something like that. I get it (even though I couldn’t disagree more, since social criticism doesn’t work without context and you are summoning a “false simetry”).

This made me laugh more than I thought it would. Thank you.

If you had said “20 years ago” you would be so right. Like a past clairvoyant or something.

- Well, excuuuuuuuuse me, Princess! Thank Iwata, not me.

Where did you take that from? Sorry but, as a Brazilian, we usually don't even ask for greencards. You come here and we'll (usually) treat you like you are home.

I want to read that.

Backstreet Boys > *

Backstreet Boys > *

I think he did just the same (counter-counter-counter-plan a la DN)!!!

I only said what I said (obviously). But all your other inferences were made out of nothing. As someone who is saying my answer lacks any real information (which I totally agree, I just wrote it in the heat of the moment, sorry), you just did the same thing. :/

Look! The kind of stupid generalization and misinformation that we usually see on G1 news (it's kind of like our version of Fox News, USA people) and news comments has finally reached Kotaku. It's sad day for my sanity.

Thanks, Holden Caulfield

I don't know about 12, but every 15+ teenager in my town that's at least a little bit into any form of "alternative" culture is into Beatles (and Ramones, because reasons).

No matter how low I put my speakers, it's still too loud.