
Something tells me this will go down as her crowning achievement.

I think only about 12 other people nationwide were really on pins needles waiting for this statement. Cause... Who cares?

"Additionally, we're going to take away the 2015 2nd and 4th round draft picks of the New England Patriots just to be safe, and also suspend Michael Vick for the season because he probably did something bad. Also, everyone reading this letter is fined $40,000."

Do NOT ignore the posts in your Facebook feed about the Mars / moon thing. Mock them RELENTLESSLY.

Tear gas works by instilling justice into the victims.

The census link you gave has nothing to do with the info you're discussing, so I'm guessing you meant to provide links with the FBI and DOJ references. I didn't see anything about 84% of violent crime against whites being committed by whites, but admittedly I didn't look to hard. The numbers blend together after

"the cop ordered the friends to 'get the fuck on the sidewalk,' but the teenagers said they had almost reached their destination."

I'm glad I'm using adblocker, you shouldn't get money posting this shit.

"Didn't quite want to write an article, but her is a link to someone who wrote it. Thanks for believing the page title!"

"Here's What Happens If You Like Everything On Your Facebook Feed"

Much serious. No humor. So overhead. WOW.
(I think we all know he meant to include the word "containers" but he didn't, therefore I get to make fun of him - meme style.)

"What's more, these ships will carry 60 more cargo per trip than TOTE's current class of Sea Star ships..."

60 more cargo! So bigger. Very extra. Wow!

I'm going to put you in a cage with one of these lions. We'll see how much it isn't counted as hunting.

The animals in the preserve are deemed dangerous to the species/herd by people a lot more educated than us about said species. Its not put to sleep and left there for her to walk up and shoot it you absolute moron.

Cutest boat ever!

I'll explain the reason behind the NFL's decision: Its because of idiotic, ideological cowards like you in the media.

Goodell: [loads Deadspin.com]