
The law is the law. Change it or enforce it. The underlying issue was that he was here illegally. She had her reasons for supporting the president, maybe now she doesn’t. That’s her right, that’s democracy. It amazes me how so many people are fine with the law being selectively applied according to political agenda.

Did the Russians back voting machines? Did they vote illegally? No they didn’t. So we know that Hillary lost fair and square. We should be thanking whoever put out the truth about that idiot. Get over it people, you liberals are weak and think the world is all milk and honey. You think like that because there are

This is ridiculous, everything I read that Ted Koppel said should have been said about himself and others like him. The Scott Pellets and those clowns on mainstream media don’t report facts nor do they want the American people to know facts. They would want America to believe all “illegal” immigrants are hardworking

Funny article. It is so stupid how people try to pick apart the dumbest things about the President. Sorry but the days of a President that spoke “eloquently” and “says all the right things” while achieving not alot of good are over. I’d rather have a well done steak eating with ketchup POTUS that actually does what

Wow! It amazes me that so called “liberal” people can always insult, accuse with no proof and basically say any horrible thing they want about anyone. There are so many examples of this recently. I think the time had come for people to start fighting back against this, let’s see what some of these weak, holier than

Let’s look into the numbers, Clinton’s greater numbers came from California and New York. CAli fornication has 4 metropolitan areas (LA, San Fran, Riverside, and San Diego) that collectively have a population of around 25 million! That would make those areas together the 4th or 5th largest state! It’s funny how all