
Not that fast??!! My 2004 - 0-60 under 6, 152 top end seen on i 77 in South Carolina

He was not going to influence Trump, thank God. Trump was elected to undo the lawless, unconstitutional abuses of power by Obama who wiped his azz with the constitution, wraponized departments of gov’t. and acted like a dictator.

yup - back end comes around quickly

wrong - 8200 redline, not 7800

watch you tube S2000 on Nurgburgring vs M3, or S2000 vs Tail of the Dragon!

Horrible “trip” car - 4000 rpm at 76 MPH on highway. -zzzzzzzzing

Redline on 2.2 was 8200, not 7800. But I agree. Mistake to lower redline for a single digit increase in torque.