
I've seen it done to get shut of agricultural sheds where rot made salvaging the timber impossible. Disused chicken sheds are a particularly foul stench when they go up.

Might just be the hot air rising and turning the fan. Or it might have been left on to get the fire drawing faster, in which case one assumes someone took a moment (OK, couple of hours of hot work) to install a breaker somewhere that isn't going to get burnt.

This site needs a facility for repeatedly mashing the star button while choking on a spit-take.

David Attenborough's also fits.

Marine musicology for the win.

A true hero of the Lancastrian motherland.

How sad that so few, in this modern and industrialised age, know where pianos come from. If not kept in captivity, grand pianos return to the ocean, musical leviathans of the deep that they are, and spawn in the deep ocean trenches. In the lightless black abyss, black and white notes mingle in the waters, released

Yeah, it's not so much him escaping as neglecting to let anyone know he was off to the commemoration. Since most of their residents will be in one stage of dementia or another, they've jumped to the conclusion that there's a confused old chap wandering about and potentially coming to harm. Reasonable conclusion,

I built a minature trebuchet with my kids as a saturday project once. When it came to shooting the thing down the garden, my dog IMMEDIATELY grasped that we had mechanised the game of fetch. We didn't have to retreive any of the ammo ourselves, she was racing the tennis balls we were using to the targets.

I are an engineer, and I have seen towers - brick chimneys, mostly, which run at two to three times the height of this tower - brought down this way with hand tools. The refinement they're missing is scrap wood propping in the kerf they've cut, which they then set fire to and saunter away casually. I'm awarding them

Nah. Calling it Ju-88 would be in bad taste, though. More people were killed making the V2s than they actually killed operationally. Mostly what they did was miss.

Oh dear me. No. Focus and drive makes you, maybe, a millionaire, and you don't have time to piss about with yachts, nor the inclination. Dropping 10 million on a badly designed boat? That, my lad, is the behaviour of somoene who inherited or stole it.

According to the news report, they sent an image to be etched on the stone to the stonework place in India. I can imagine someone there saying 'Really?' and his boss saying 'The customer, Ranjit, is always right. Etch the image they're paying for. Perhaps it's for a movie? You know what movie posters are like."

Because wrong is being done and refusing to help remedy it at opportunities - that present themselves every day - makes you complicit.

I've heard too many three-in-the-morning crying jags to offer any sincere reassurance.

Oh, certainly they do. A lot of them can't hide it altogether, though. Especially when it's 'just us guys' and they think they're going to get a friendly audience. In as much as there's a point I'm making, here, it's that men who say they don't see the problem when they almost certainly count at least two or

Really? Surely they smell better? (Recalling a conversation over drinks with the lass that had to clean the men's sauna at a gym I used to use).

They're not THAT hard to spot. If you actually listen to your female friends about what the problem men are like.

No. There is this huge unaddressed assumption in your thinking that violence is a symptom of mental illness. It's not. Violence is done every day by mentally healthy individuals, who've been trained to it and had it justified to them (the argument about whether the justifications are valid is a separate one) in