
anything that deprives us of james chen casting top 8 is a step in the wrong direction. instead they have his voice reverberating around in the background. sweet production value. laryngitis or not chen is the most essential caster.

dude’s on steroids.

they had it at $15 for a while. i took a good long look at it just didn’t figure i would put the time in to play it worth a damn and the servers were having rampant cheating issues it seemed like.

oh thats chrissy teigen ok, yeah she seems like a real dumb bitch

where you got the insular notion that overwatch would be some special community free of the toxic filth that plague competitive games like league of legends and counter strike and whats the third most popular game cant think of it... i mean its the same people i cant understand it my team is acting like a bunch of

ive had a lot more fun with the competitive mode so far because people actually try to put together a good comp and play as a team. the salt that accompanies that is inevitable unfortunately but the quality of the game has improved quite a lot. try to group with players who can play a competitive game and still be

mma will always be a magnet for trash people, like, what more do you need to know. am i supposed to read this or something if theres one subject you bros really sink your teeth into for epic longreads its mma. holy shit who cares gun nut psychos branching out into hand to hand combat usually a side interest in gun