the president does not have a grasp of how sentences work, though, Plus!
the president does not have a grasp of how sentences work, though, Plus!
Jalopnik is a site about cars and the people that love them. The fucking President of the United States addresses a tweet to people who “like automobiles.” Those are cars. The tweet, again from the President, states things that cannot be proven as true regarding cars and car ownership by Americans. It’s hard to see…
“especially the ability to pinpoint the planet was kind of wil.”
“No good deed remains unpunished” is just the truth. He was saying don’t do it (because, again, Riker would never try to dissuade Picard from doing anything), he was saying that doing it would get Picard into a lot of trouble, which it did.
I guess part of the reason I’m enjoying this more than most is I didn’t go into it feeling like I was promised ‘a visit with old friends’. I knew there would be nostalgia and fan service, yes, and it is very effective as this episode shows. But what I was expecting, and wanting, was a new story in the Trek universe -…
The World Health Organization is using the nose emoji in official communications about a deadly, potentially pandemic disease. What a time to be alive...
You’re as delusional as he is. First medicare is not free. I paid into it for over 50 years and I still pay monthly premiums.
meanwhile no one asked how are we going to pay for these huge tax cuts for corporations and billionaires. But if it’s to help the working class suddenly everyone is a math wizard.
All I did was make a list of the key points from the man’s plan. I think you’re angry at the wrong person.
I recently read this article about Bernie on Vox . It really took a deep dive into the data to see how electable he actually is. To make a long story short, he could win, but it would take an unprecedented…
No one’s worried about that. They’re worried that he’ll march into a brokered convention and announce that if he doesn’t get the nom he’ll just run as an independent targeting the votes of the Democratic nominee.
“Everyone came to destroy Mike tonight. It didn’t happen.
Yes, if only we could find that mythical “perfect Democrat” who would sweep us off our feet and force the GOP to uphold their oath’s and constitutional duties...
“Everyone in America should take a very big breath, slow down and stop panicking and being hysterical,” he said to CNBC. “We are having a little too much histrionics on this.”
Rule of Two was bullshit from the start - see Asajj Ventress. Yeah, yeah, she’s technically not a Sith because it was just Dooku/Tyrannis and Palps, but that’s just semantic bullshit.
“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.”
Yeah, the storytelling has gotten really lazy.
I know this is crazy, but stop for a moment and hear me out: maybe some people like different things than you do.
Why do people then feel it necessary to talk shit about how others live their life? I like the city, and I’ll never voluntarily live in the burbs. But surprisingly, I’m ok with people who prefer the burbs over the city. Crazy right? So yea...pull your head out of your ass and get over yourself.