No Name

It’s not so much the onslaught that keeps him from being forced out, it’s the fact that the entire Republican party backs him up, no matter what. The system only works if there is culpability. Remember when stupid shit like screaming “YEAAAH!” or Dukakis riding a tank would end a campaign? That was only because

100% correct. What’s maddening is that Trump has done a million things that would have forced any other president to resign or be thrown out but just by the sheer fact that he overwhelms us daily with scandals big and small and just an onslaught of absolute stupidity and the fact that our media can’t shit without

I thought that was the computer assuming Leland’s identity by mimicking his voice, and then killing him.

I suspect the AG will almost immediately proclaim the report a wash and confirm “no collusion”, which Trump will then bray throughout the 2020 election and beyond.

Of the many problems with Season 2 of Discovery, the one that grates me the most is the way they hanle personal relations. I assume they reason that the emotions the characters go through is more relatable if they are grounded in something the viewer has experienced themselves, like having estranged their brother.


This season has been an improvement but I knew this was going to be a slog when they gave more screen time to blue lady while she was in a casket then any time before as they eulogized about How Great She Was and It’s A Shame We Never Developed Her Character Or You’d Care But You Should Look How Sad We Are.


i love DISCO (especially with Pike in it), and i really want to like Michael Burnham but i just can’t. Sonequa Martin-Green is either a very bad actress, or she’s playing Burnham very badly, but either case, watching her emote is stressfully miserable.

I was screaming about this. IF MICHAEL IS THE ANGEL YOU CANNOT USE MICHAEL TO SET A TRAP FOR THE ANGEL. JESUS CHRIST. Michael storming up to Leland and demanding that “if this whole thing is to capture me, I need to know everything” is INSANE. It is the exact opposite of what is true!

Clearly none of the characters on Star Trek: Discovery have ever watched any Star Trek.

Keeping people in terror about the health of their children is also an excellent way to render them slavishly obedient workers who dont dare risk their employment.

They think that if we elect “the socialists” then the government will decide if you get healthcare or not. They think if they get old and get sick, the government will be judge and jury on if they’re sick enough to get treatment. They don’t understand that everyone gets health care under this system no matter what.

The argument I used to hear when I worked with the wealthy out-of-touch Republicans at my last job was the wait times! You’ll have to wait so long! Because more people are getting care when they should clearly go without so I can see my doctor earlier.

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

In Vegas it’s a policy now. If you leave your Do Not Disturb sign out for more than a certain amount of time (I think it’s the 2nd day?), they’ll have security enter your room.

Except they are not “common” courtesy at all, which is why everyone is up in arms. They are “above and beyond” courtesy. Flush the toilet? Common courtesy. Strip the bed to the mattress? NOT common courtesy. Do these possibly make the lives of someone a little easier? Maybe. And is that a good thing? It is. But it is

I am not responsible for the wages/job responsibilities of the people who clean hotel rooms. Therefore, DND is going up for the duration of the stay and I will keep my room relatively tidy and then go home.

See, I don’t understand any of this at all. I book a hotel room so I have somewhere to sleep when I’m not doing what I’m in town to do. The job of housekeeping is to refresh the room after I’ve used it. I’m not gonna trash the room, but why should I do their job for them? If I want privacy, I need to feel bad about

I also am completely perplexed as to what the point of this was, other than to say Netflix makes his job harder.

I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard

Can Splinter cut it out with the lame hit pieces please?