No Name

I like the guy in the first few minutes when he is shouting about wind speeds of 110 mph and this guy just casually walks across the street towards him as if it just some annoying rain.

Now you know how the dishes feel.

Lookit, every asshole with a gun and bad intentions has his bullshit internal logic justifying the people he will target and the people he won’t. “I am going to target people who look like they can’t hit me back because I am a pussy” is a common and not very compelling internal logic. “I am going to target white

Y’know, there did come a time in 1944 when the Allies stopped trying to take out Hitler because of his gross incompetence at running the war...

Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.

The problem is that at any one point they are only really pissing off about half the people while making the other half happy. If Trump loses, his supporters are talking about Russian influence the way it is being talked about on the Dems side now. People that win usually don’t care how they won until it makes them

Dehumanization is, well, not a joke. This sort of stuff plays in with the increasing radicalization, including violent radicalization (different stages) of the far-right. Sending rhetoric signals like this promote dehumanization which is already exceedingly common on the far-right. This isn’t harmless. He’s sending a

You are cranky about her name but not about Russia actively trying to destroy our democracy?

Those with the power to do something legislatively will not because it helps them. This fits with the Republican strategy of government mistrust and loss in faith of the democratic process.

If it had just been allowed to stand as a stark reminder of the crime, it would be a powerful work of art. Allowing it to be used as a play structure seems disrespectful. It reminds me of the Berlin Holocaust memorial that was being used for parkour and picnics. https://petapixel.com/2017/01/21/artist-shames-disrespe

When I was bullied in school, it was absolutely clear what was happening.

There is no good reason for abortion... except for mine.

I’m one of those people who would never get around to asking a genie for wishes since I’d be trying to read the fine print, but...before I actually checked the link and saw them mention annuities and age 65, my gut instinct was to ask “But when can I retire?” If that isn’t part of the exercise, I’d take the $5,000 a

Now playing

If you havent seen it, go get a copy of When The Wind Blows - an animated movie about an older English couple who live in the rural UK, survive the initial exchange and their stoic Stiff Upper Lip-ness in the face of “It’s never going to be enough” is utterly heartbreaking.

Me too, graduated in 87.  As a Gen-Xer I cannot believe that I am having to go through this again.

“If a nuclear bomb ever goes off just about anywhere in the United States, the whole country is screwed.”

This is surprising news, as hundreds of nuclear bombs HAVE gone off in the United States, most obviously at the NTS in Nevada.

Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

Was it hard to write this, Patrick? It was kinda tough to read - not in terms of the quality of the writing, which is quite good, but the feelings that emerged. I thought our parents and grandparents would be the last generations to need this kind of info.