
This is a really fantastic piece Jia. Really really great. One thing I would note - many people on the right, conservative right, are starting to co-opt the language of the left, or of the identity politics left. It is staring slowly, but you’ll see it even at Trump rallies or on Fox News, the use of “trigger words”

look into Modern Monetary Theory. Stephanie Kelton, one of the biggest MMT macro theorists, is also Sanders’ chief economic advisor. Governments need to run debts in order to fuel growth - the idea that debt is spreading the government too thin is incorrect. In fact, we’ve seen how austerity policies (including the

but Bernie can actually get a lot of what he wants done. Almost all economic policy is directed through the treasury and the executive, NOT congress - we made sure of that in the past so that Congress would have little oversight....Obama could have done much more with the economy but didn’t, not because of gridlock