Good. Actions have consequences.
Good. Actions have consequences.
Hey, I recognize those recidivist dipshits! Aren’t they those kids they have done absolutley fuck all, but are riding their possibly even more stupid father’s coat tails after he managed to dupe the dumbest yet somehow most energized portion of an electorate that has been fed a steady diet of lies, impotent rage, and…
Fairly mellow. It’s always better when it crosses Channukah. Latkes and ham.
I dunno... three more days.
Princess Leia and Ripley were my brunette heroines in a vast sea of vapid 80's blondes. Anyone who can’t understand what they meant for girls of a certain generation can go jump in a lake.
Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go light candles for the continued health and safety of Sigourney Weaver and Betty White.
She was also a highly respected script doctor, known for saving Sister Act and The Wedding Singer, among dozens of others.
Tom Arnold is just being Tom Arnold, desperately seeking attention and relevance. Quite frankly, after everything trump has said and done, do we REALLY think the millions of people who supported him and voted for him are going to withdraw their support and call for his head on a platter because trump used the “n…
This year can’t even.
If anything 2016 has demonstrated that there is absolutely no such thing as Karma.
I am hating the holidays this year.
Ok, I was with her up until that.
There’s a small, very fucked up, part of me that is comforted by the idea that I’m in the blast zone that will be killed instantly by a nuke and won’t have to die slowly in the post-apocalyptic hellscape.
Eventually the world will change so much you won’t want to be a part of it anymore.
I say take all the 99 year old “celebrities” you want, 2016. Just leave Julie Andrews, Dolly Parton, Cher, Gene Hackman, and fuck even Burt Reynolds aloooooooone. DAMMIT.
I rather like this one.
“But we kept the trannies out of the ladies bathroom!”
Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?
Lol, no! Anything but smoking!
One really shouldn’t throw vitriol. If one doesn’t dispose of vitriol properly, it seeps into the groundwater, and then we get President-elect Trump.