
Sometimes I wonder if the “blue” areas may be worse. Sure we all like to shit on rural folks and other red-necks but at the end of the day so many of these recent incidents are happening in places like Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Baltimore, the Twin Cities and other supposed “blue bastions.” Clayton, Missouri is one of

In my gentrifying neighborhood somebody spraypainted STOP CALLING THE COPS. Good advice. 

Did some “research” on the cotton thing: cutoffs are bad because of the threads. Otherwise, there is no sane reason to not wear cotton in a swimming pool. Some sources cite safety, because cotton absorbs, but a couple extra pounds (at most) on a child in the shallow end, full of summer energy, is nothing. Other

Fellow white people: calling the police on a black person is an act of violence. Calling the police on a black person is an act of violence. Calling the police on a black person is an act of violence.

Local Elections. You hit the nail on the head. I get so adamant about people voting mostly so they get in the habit of doing it. That way they can actually make a difference by voting in local elections. Voting once every 4 years ain’t gonna cut it.

And the White “progressives” that sat out the election or went third party even though we needed all of their votes.
“Things are going to be bad for us,” we said.
“Who cares?” they said.

Trying to prove you’re not racist = immediate proof of your racism

For fuck’s sake, stop giving White people a pass. The choice was between a bland, middle of the road candidate and Satan himself. Blacks and Latinx made the right choice.

AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is: 

“Let us pause here for a moment and give thanks once again to those brave voices of The Left who would not be cowed by the extortionate pleadings of Hillary Rodham Clinton to remember the importance of the Supreme Court while casting their precious vanity ballots in November of 2016. Well done, dilettantes.” - Charlie

we’re talking about South Carolina....this place will be booked solid for months. 

That would make entirely too much sense.

If y’all are looking for beer brewed by a brother in the DMV, you should check out Union Craft Brewing Company in Baltimore. Their head brewer is Black and all their beers are excellent. I will keep a lookout for these guy’s beers and I will ask for them at the fancy beer shop near me too.

E- Luftwaffel Haus 

Strange man blocking entrance to community he doesn’t live in talking about robberies the residents’ association didn’t know about.

This assumes that people become police officers to make a difference and making communities safer and not because they really enjoy the idea of riding around in a Dodge Charger with a gun.

My unpopular opinion: “Late Registration” is the peak for Kanye. When I listened to “Graduation” I think I got two spins before I put it down and decided he was better off being a producer. “Homecoming” is a terrible song and everyone involved with it should be ashamed.

“I live here now, but as soon as the next guy comes in I’m not living here anymore because seriously? The panhandlers outside the Metro playing drums on their buckets really disturb my morning jog, and yesterday I went into the Starbucks and they were playing ‘This Is America’ and it made me kind of uncomfortable.