
Was hoping ST:  The Next, Next Generation would be the production winner. 

I can already tell you the plot of this entire series because it’s the only plot line that *can* exist when your main characters are all pre-Lower Decks students who have no actual power or authority to be flying starships, handling sensitive information, or in any way saving the universe.

The “first class” of the new

I’ve said it before, if most of the Disco supporting cast* were to get O’Brien’ed into prominent roles in SFA I’d be happy to watch. I’m only meh on what we’ve seen of the 32nd century so far, but there’s plenty of potential there if they can find some good writers.

Agree with everyone else. Meh on 32nd century. Not a diss on Disco. I like it well enough but the 32nd century stuff is the weakest part because after three seasons I still have no real sense of how the universe works or anything.

A lot of us are keen on 25th century. Anyone object to “Commandant O’Brien”?  

Should have set it in the 24th century and have it star Miles O’Brien.

Meh on 32nd century.  

Been. Waiting. For years... Every time I see a dual-wielding saber I get excited but disappointed when not much “Escrima-esque twirling” occurs.

“it’s so much so that a lot of what Bruce Lee does in Jeet Kune Do is influenced by Filipino martial arts”

You should do some research on the subject before making a comment full of assumptions.

Did you click the hyperlink?

You’ ve just described Starkiller from Force Unleashed, who Id love to see show up in live action

Lightsabers + Kali/escrima... sign me up! It could be set during the clone wars given his timeline. EvenBeq investigates the Crimson Dawn” could give him his own sidequest.

Look, just saying the words “Jedi John Wick” makes money signs spontaneously appear in executives eyes. So just do it, Disney. DO IT.

This comment needs all of the stars.  The cognitive dissonance alone in alleged physician Sean Hollonbeck should be enough to melt anyone’s brain.

FUN FACT: “Everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape” came in a close second when Trump was choosing campaign slogans, but EKWGOITCWF&CT&R didn’t look good on a hat.

Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

Man, oh, man how I hate this argument, simply because nearly everyone gets it wrong. You aren’t innocent until proven guilty. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That one word makes a big difference. 

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.

Though 9/11 did a number on the company as pocket knives became much more scrutinized