
It was all so frustrating as to why it happened in the first place. Her comments were not antisemitic and to say a mistreatment of one group of people is hatred toward another is laughable.  I’m glad her career is able to move on because there are too many people in this situation that would not be able to experience

No matter what their take on it, they handled it BADLY.

man what happened to her sucked. they were so stupid to fire her. like they rebooted the franchise around her. im glad shes back on her feet because Abigail looks pretty good

Basically the De Santis Book-Banners are still in charge, but their actual power is restricted to being seat warmers.

I think it is a win? I think that means Disney can do everything they planned to do as of 2020, when RCID was still in charge and before CFTOD took over.

Absolutely. I loved his character.

I’ll probably be over here by my lonesome beating this drum for way too long...but I would still love to see a 25th century ship-on-exploration-mission show headed by Shaw.

a major character joining Yeoh in the film will be a young Rachel Garrett, played by Kacey Rohl—the captain of the Enterprise-C introduced in the TNG episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise.”

Their attempts to rehabilitate that character were highly misguided at best.

Because when I think Star Trek Protagonist, the words “genocidal cannibal dictator working for a quasi fascist secret police” immediately spring to mind...

I love Trek. I love Yeoh. I do not want more Giorgio. The adventures of “reformed” space Hitler do not appeal to me.

There is a very famous media philosophy/concept wherein the medium IS the message, and advocating for a North American, family-film-making company to make sure their medium is just white men in the protagonist seats tells me everything I need to know about this.

The top grossing film of 2023 was Barbie, dude

It’s quite the accomplishment being nominated for a Razzie TWICE in your teens

I just saw a trailer today for a movie about a cat. Will the Wokes never stop? Everyone knows that dogs are the most popular pet, and so nobody could possibly be interested in a movie starring a cat. People go to movies to be entertained, not to be fed some “message” about “diversity”.

Disney isn’t “freaking out” about Peltz, since there’s no way he can get on the board. I don’t know why he thinks nakedly showing his racism and sexism will help him do that, but he’s an old white guy, I guess they think they can do and say anything and people will reward them for it.

Imagine being in Inhumans and that isn’t even the most embarrassing thing on your resume.

This fucking guy. Every time he buys a minority stake in a publicly traded company, threatens to sell if he doesn’t get his sycophants on the board, then fucks off. I hope Iger just laughs in his face.

Are they “freaking out?” Or are they just taking it seriously and taking action to prevent it from happening?

He’s mad because his daughter got skragged in the first episode of Inhumans.