
Older men rounding up angry young teens/boys and twisting them into bigots is unfortunately nothing new... :( It’s a pretty standard theme on the extreme far right, explored in the movie American History X for example, back in the 1990s.

Yeah, to be blunt, the whole idea that the Catalyst/Starchild is crazy was something that they only added after the fact when it became clear that the fanbase saw it as crazy. The actual ending basically asks that you accept the rationale and dilemma at face value.

This is exactly right. All of the choices you made up to this point, the plot branches you completed and how you completed them, wound up not mattering at all.

The series presents you with these conclusions and does not allow you, the player, to argue against them. There isn’t much room here for interpretation.

That’s a meaningless distinction in this context, because by choosing any of the three options, you’re complying with Starbrat’s perspective that those *are* the only three options. The fact that you can choose Control after dispatching the Illusive Man five minutes earlier for making that exact same argument just

Yes, God of War is set explicitly in the realms of Norse mythology, but Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2 draw heavily from it as well (as does Control to a much lesser extent). Remedy is a Finnish studio and they heavily incorporate that into their games, particularly in their modern shared universe.

That’s what always has stuck in my craw, as it were.

The problem with the endings is that Mass Effect was pitched as having meaningful choices with persistent, long-term consequences. The endings should have been the culmination of the choices you made across the three games.

Who’s going to tell the conservatives that Asian devs making Asian characters is pro-diversity?

So in other words: bog standard fascists

Anyone who uses “woke” as a pejorative is telling on themselves that they’re a garbage human, and should be immediately kicked out of whatever group they’re in and deplatformed.

I wasn’t aware that anime hairstyles and hot, tropey east asian women were some kind of tradition? As opposed to uhhhh..

My initial response is:

Let’s face it: the main reason these mouthbreathers are bent out of shape about Saga Anderson being Black is because of the use of Norse mythology in Alan Wake and in her character’s story arc particularly. It’s barely veiled white supremacist nonsense.

Ah, this explains the rash of Sweet Baby threads that have popped up the last couple weeks on Steam.

I get super gamer gate vibes from this entire community and the level of moronic conspiracy is just bogglingly stupid. In a few comments against a YongYea video I saw people claiming that Sweet Baby developed over 90% of Suicide Squad. It’s so incredibly stupid that it make my head physically hurt

Hold on wait... Are you saying when morediverse” people are involved in the creative process... they end up with more diverse results? B-but wait... Video games are products with target audiences, right? Are you trying to tell me that other people than me, have money and therefore are also part of that target?

I think all you’re proving with your ever-lengthier diatrabes is that religion is a big bunch of (not seldomly dangerous) outdated bullshit. Give it a rest, eh?

Back when I was in high school, my buddies would read, say, the Forgotten Realms books as fantasy fast-food (and this was late 80s/early 90s, so the options were limited), and joke that you could “almost hear the dice rolling” as you read. It’s interesting that now there’s an audience that sees that as a feature