
I’m glad I read this spoiler because I would have groaned so loud in the theater -__-  

I don’t really understand the logic/math behind this move, say they remove Willow from the service and I can’t stream the show anymore, and they don’t have to pay residuals anymore.

You’d think that the answer is that residuals should be tied to primarily to views rather than subscriber base. Popular shows are what earn those subscription fees, and should be reflected in residuals to the people who make them.

Which is why all five of my wives thought I was a saint.

It isn't the tax write offs that are killing these shows, it is the residuals.

We really need to close whatever loophole let’s you write off already completed (and most of the time aired!) projects as tax write offs. What.

Everytime I see this type of item management/UI with bags I instantly think about Ultima Online and the title theme ‘Stones’. Good times.

That is the most divorced senior developer put this in detail I can think of

On the Distraction podcast (from Defector) with Adam Conover as guest where he goes into it. Michael Schur was on a few weeks before, but the sentiment is the same. The people in charge now, the investor class, don’t give a shit about the product. They care about maximizing revenues and profits. These aren’t movie/TV

This doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Shows like Little Demon and Willow were heavily marketed by Hulu and Disney+. Pulling them from the service less than a year after they aired just seems like throwing money away.

How dare Disney Plus copy the HBO Max model of stripping streaming content!

I guess I should watch Willow.

This is how JK Rowling chooses people to march with.

Are the points as useless as the books/movie? Where even if your team is winning , some elderly chucklefuck with a beard and a robe will award another team like a trillion points purely due to ssomething one of them did , and that happened outside the school and no-one else saw? Fantastic!

Kind of feels odd to be snarky about a morality system that not only did not make it into the final game, but isn’t much different from any number of other morality systems in gaming.

Fable made divorce more evil than murder.

Final Space got the worst kind of comeback ..”our new season is a comic!

A research paper may not always be a good test of comprehension, but it is a good test of the ability to research, synthesize and articulate information, which are important skills, which arguably are becoming less important with the advent of AI...

I disagree.

Is broken dick a serious disease? Viagra got the fastest FDA approval. Can we sue the FDA for that?