
You just used a single sentence to describe a game as both too banal to have relevance and too far over your head to understand. So I’m going to say... probably not the only one but probably the only one willing to tell on themselves like that.

BOTW is what I call a Podcast game. I can turn on a podcast and listen to it while I play and not miss much in the game. It also means its usually easy to just save and stop playing quickly. I need games like that in my life

There are some really solid titles in that top 10, though I wouldn’t agree with the placement of most of them.  That’s ok.  GQ doesn’t seem like they are a force in games journalism though, so they can like what they like.

You have, at least, provided an example of why people find Nintendo fans so annoying.

As I get older, I find myself enjoying a good story more than gameplay. The exception would be actual sandbox games like Factorio or Kerbal Space Program. Zelda BotWto me is somewhere in the no-man’s-land inbetween. No good story, very rudimentary sandbox. I would understand if it mostly appealed to players who shy

I wonder how many of the people who see Breath of the Wild as the best game ever, never really got into Elder Scrolls.

It was mostly a fun game (except the bosses), the shrines were mostly fun, and the climbing mechanism was brilliant no question, but I’ve played much better games, even open world games. Buuuut I can certainly see how ‘first 3D open world Zelda game from Nintendo’ when the critics already skew stan Nintendo wins the

But did it really even do that? Outside of its immediate sequel, people are not exactly clamoring for other developers of open world games to ape BOTW’s style. Between asking players to explore a fleshed out world or using a world as the means of exploration, people seem more than happy with the former even if they

Only if you’re taking it entirely too seriously.

Morrowind already did that: the infamous Cliff Racers were even meant to curtail players from jumping/flying everywhere, while still giving players the ability to do so.

Because the original B5 story is the only thing in the setting that’s really caught fire and been really good, so I think they want to go back to tap that original story again in a different way (the same way Dragonlance keeps trying to do new stuff but always circles back to the War of the Lancer, or Star Wars keeps

-changed how many saw open-world experiences with its freeform approach to exploration, combat, and puzzles.”

Maybe for those that are trying to hyper-analyze it. But at its core it’s just a game about being a fuck-up and either making things worse on purpose, on accident, or accidentally solving a murder.

I loved this game very, very much in terms of gameplay, world design and puzzles... but story-wise, Zelda games just don’t really do it for me. Will Nintendo ever get rid of the “Princess in distress needs hero to rescue her” trope? I mean this is the basic premise of every Zelda and Mario game.. I just find Link

Yeah honestly all the praise for breath of the wild reminded me of how good PC gamers had it with creative open world experiences. 

I feel like BOTW’s open world hype is forgetting that open world non-linear adventures were already an established genre. I think the community at large forgets that Elder Scrolls games have been doing it for a long time already. Even before Skyrim, the Elder Scrolls were sending players off into massive sandbox

I’m fucking tired of Republicans holding up a single example to justify every horrible thing they want to do. “This person burned all their SNAP benefits for the month to buy lobster, therefore nobody should have food assistance. This person regrets their decision to transition, so nobody should be allowed to

I’m willing to bet good money that at least 1/5th of them already have done so.

Much like John McCain, they'd all go running to an abortion clinic if it was their kid or grandkid. At least McCain admitted his hypocrisy. 

But will it be rendered on an Amiga?