
Season 2 and 3 were written and filmed simultaneously, so everyone was already contracted. And both teams knew what the other was writing because it all had to be coordinated. The writing in season 2 is just bad because it was bad, although I’m sure at least some of the bad decisions were due to COVID restrictions.

It was gooey, melty, unhealthy, cheesy fanservice and god help me I LOVED IT. Not just the character work (though the number of beautiful fanservice moments with the cast was just pure endorphins, esp seeing it in a crowd at an Imax showing) but the little touches, like the front of the saucer of the D still being

Too bad they teaser announcement implied that show takes place in the future Disco timeline, and is probably the Tilly spin-off.

Oh the Borg from last season?

Swords are more fun.”

Potentially a bad idea but here goes: Q “resurrecting” Shaw (something something recreating from memories) to troll Captain Seven could have some heat. 

Here’s hoping there’s a cut scene where Enterprise D is getting ready to fire on the Borg cube core, everyone is very tense, Beverly is devastated over potentially killing Jack. Then Wesley appears and says “Don’t worry mom, you’ll always have me.” To which everyone else responds in tandem “Shut up Wesley!” and he

Beheadings are on Wednesdays!”

-Still sorta bummed about no Janeway.

I wanted the Enterprise-D reveal to also show us Miles crashing by the new transporters because Keiko kicked him out a few days prior.

Shoulda renamed the ship the USS Shaw, in honour of everyone’s favourite grease monkey from Chicago...

Great list. The only thing I disagree with is “I want more.” I think they ended on a good note. Let’s leave it here, where everyone can agree they stuck the landing.

This is also fair! I ended up liking Ed Speeler’s performance enough to want to see what else he can do; ironically, I feel he’s got a bit of Pine’s Kirk in him.

What’s great though is that it’s not just that the old Borg Queen came back, but WOW it’s clear that Janeway utterly CRIPPLED the Collective.

Great season, but they whiffed by not having Colm Meaney help with resolving the transporter issue. 

I never ended up watching season 2 (I thought season 1 was so bad that I had no interest in returning to the show) and I was VERY hesitant about watching season 3. However, once I heard enough people telling me it was good, I checked it out and I’m glad I did. It wasn’t the greatest Star Trek but it was good enough

Sometimes Show runners just don’t know.  It was probably easier back in the day where a season was 25 episodes and your midpoint was 12.  That was enough of a warning for shows like Buffy to not kill Spike, etc.

Oh, I forgot to mention the Anton Chekov nod to Anton Yelchin was very sweet. 

Q giving a final goodbye? pfsh, time isn’t linear, it’s Doctor Qho up in this bitch.

Worf: “I’ll make it a threesome.”