
Bully for you, then. I’ve seen too many people chewed up and spat out by abusive tech industries (media and gaming specifically) to give a pass by saying... what... “it’s not bad for everyone?” What kind of excuse is that?

Pretty sure we’re allowed to complain about the specific symptoms and perpetrators of capitalism’s sins, and not just the nebulous concept.

Glad someone brought this up because it’s quite maddening seeing all these people talk about past technological advancements as though all the dreams and predictions people were making around the early 20th century weren’t about being freed from labor to pursue more fulfilling crafts like.. art.

Yeah these artists are now free from the burden of... pursuing art as a career

The ethically dubious thing about AI art specifically is that it’s trained on images that are stolen from artists without their knowledge or permission. It’s like money laundering, but for art. In fact you’re right, it’s not ethically dubious, it’s uneqivocally immoral, and should be illegal.

Right, because it is always and solely for the benefit of the workers? ^^
Looking at the state of jobs today, there aren’t less of them, we’re not working (much) less, wages somewhat stagnate and the rift between rich and poor grows bigger and bigger. How is this any different than before?

The article cites artists who’ve found themselves pushed out of work by AI, and since our ability to eat and have a roof over our heads is (unfortunately) tied to said work, this means AI has directly endagered their ability to survive.

“Marvel is doing massive damage to moviemaking” is a point I would generally agree with, at least. I just count the push for unnecessary CGI as part of that.

This is where I stand. I am not against AI being used on things but I need to see an advantage to me for it.

Found the pic

If one of the biggest names in moviemaking (if not THE biggest) isn’t a good example, what the hell is?

The point that just accepting greedy exploitation is the only thing to be done? I thought that point too dumb to address.

1) Nick fury with a tranq gun (Endgame, I think?). Slightly exaggerated, not a stick, just an obviously-not-gun bit of plastic.

So you’re just fine with the exploitation involved. “Passionate about their work” is corp-speak for “underpaid and overworked”.

it seems you ignored what they said

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Yes but how many artists will still have a job? The closest analogy I can make here is photography. Prior to the cellphone it was a reasonable career path to be a photographer for a media outlet or for stock photos. Now, the only real career path is wedding photographer it high end fashion/media photographer. All of

Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly

if something is going to be made by AI, the cost to me needs to go down and it needs to go down staggeringly. To pick a common example (only because it has a familiar price tag, and not because I think its viable), if a AAA game is going to be made wholly by AI, it needs to cost no more than $15 new.  I’m not paying

that artists testimony is just too bleak, her career was basically decimated just like that