
Omg I was never able to draw the line between those two very chaotic characters before.

The Brooklyn 99/Star Wars Rebels overlap is a strange place to live.

Don’t get me wrong, we desperately needed to explore the other side of the galaxy and I want more, more, more of it.

Omg I was never able to draw the line between those two very chaotic characters before.

I hope that this show is secretly about Ahsoka trying to bring Chopper to justice for his war crimes

They’ve really changed the animation style for this new season of Rebels. Looks incredible!

She does play Hera. 

I hope that this show is secretly about Ahsoka trying to bring Chopper to justice for his war crimes

Finn was one of the most interesting characters in the main Star Wars saga — that got totally marginalized over the course of 3 movies. (Before TFA, when we had no idea who these characters were, I thought he was gonna be the main hero... and he’s relegated to one of the hero’s friends by the end.)

They’ve really changed the animation style for this new season of Rebels. Looks incredible!

It was very, very simply played out. One of the main characters (A young force sensitive being trained by an Order 66 survivor who was only a Padawan himself during the purge) is in a strange place with a connection to the force. In there, he sees a vision of Ahsoka fighting Vader a couple seasons prior and just kind

Honestly? If nothing else, I think I’m just excited to see some unashamed Jedi action.

I like Daisy Ridley and dare I say this time spanning plan seems kind of cool if the trilogy HAS A PLAN

This just in: James Mangold’s film removed from Lucasfilm’s production schedule due to “creative differences.”

“as heir to the Empire”

So we’re finally getting that Heir to the Empire adaptation we’ve been waiting for thirty years for, it looks like. We even appear to have a Joruus C’Baoth and Mara Jade ready to go.

They already did, with the World Between Worlds in Rebels. It’s the reason Ahsoka is still alive.

Chopper and the ghost. That is all

It’s this type of nonsense that always makes me wonder how people can possibly paint Biden and 99% of Democrats as Left wing communists. Racism, ignorance, and class privilege run deep in the Democratic party. And it’s a goddamn shame that this is the best we can do because the other side is batshit crazy.

You are bored? Do you think she should be bored after being publicly disrespected by a national figure? Why should she not tell her story... not only was she disrespected, there’s a white washing going on. So, fine if you are bored but it’s not your place to tell any person, female or black to stop talking.