
No, not really, people lying and trying to make anyone who doesn’t believe their lies has an agenda are shitty people, so it’s pretty obvious why I’d be annoyed, unless you so concerned with posturing you need to pretend confusion.

I’m not sure the ‘80s were a creative goldmine, as much as the wild prevalence of cocaine and free money caused people to greenlight tons and tons of shit that definitely wouldn’t have got greenlit a decade or more later.

Yeah I suspect he’s a lovely guy, and interviews he seems really genuinely nice, and hence gets cast in everything, but fuck me I can’t think of a single performance of his that improved the movie he was in, and I can think an awful lot that absolutely nuked the tone of the movie/and or were just tedious.

It’s nonsense. The film is getting pretty mixed reviews. The idea that the media are “propping it up” is laughable gibberish.

Perhaps a bigger question here is why you’re making nonsense up and then trying to blame people for not reflecting your made-up nonsense.

It’s not getting particularly many positive reviews. It’s at 55% on RT right now. So neither a disaster nor a triumph.

Yup - RT has it at 55%. That’s not “the media propping up” anything.

These sort of previews are normally mindlessly positive even on absolutely dire movies (cf various DCCU movies), so that a lot of these are mixed or negative is pretty eyebrow-raising. Also there’s a lot of rather forced positivity like the “if you don’t love this movie u hate fun and u suck” guy, which is, frankly a

Yeah, I have no hate for the Marvels, especially as it has “my” Captain Marvel in it, Monica Rambeau (I was very surprised as a teenager when I found out she wasn’t the original one and annoyed when she was replaced later), but the odds of me seeing it at the cinema are close to 0%. I mean, it’s not a movie with sound

Given the way AI learns, it’ll probably be egging them on to attack minorities at every possible opportunity.

I mean, they will for common people. I’m sure that wealthier clients will get a little more consideration or data will be accidentally deleted or go missing or the like. And the sheer amount of power and blackmail material they’ll potentially acquire from these things is staggering.

Can you really put a price and stupidity and recklessness? I guarantee you the moment it’s legal, a certain kind of moron will be lining up for it. Though conspicuous by their absence will be people like Musk, Thiel, Rogan and so on. Wellll, they might convince Rogan, he is that kind of stupid.

Honestly I’m counting the days before some total wanker in a overpriced yet ill-fitted suit half-blinds me by shining one of these directly into my eyes on the tube. Good times.

Yeah this is basically a scene from from the news/interstitial ads in Robocop, it’s that level of crass/moronic/horrifying/modern.

Surely 3gether3ever?

Yeah the plot is basically the plot of multiple kid-oriented novels/TV series/movies I read/watched aged about 8 to 12 in the late 1980s! A rag-tag band of kids has to prevent the place they love from being destroyed by developers.

But the Locarno storline does not hold up or make sense”

Can we talk about how great the animation has been this season?”

This sucks. It was one of the best takes on Superman, and even the teenagers weren’t too bad.

I haven’t seen it, but I most of my friends have, and despite them being almost universally Buffy/Angel fans and most of them Firefly fans, none of them gave it more than a lukewarm review to me.