
Buffy is a hell of a lot less dated in most regards than TOS, or even TNG (it does feel somehow way older than DS9 though), I know because I rewatched it and TNG over the pandemic (and DS9, and bits of TOS).

Buffy was a good show. Angel perhaps was too. His other shows are more debatable. Especially Firefly.

Dealers sure, and that’s obviously dishonest and shitty - so you think dishonest and shitty is good or what?

So you’re taking it solely and entirely from the heavily typo’d byline? Which you tried to fix the typos on to make it look more legit? LOL ok bud.

Have you even got a source for that claim?

I was going to argue with you but then I found out how much 4090s still cost jesus fucking wept.

I’m a PC gamer and even I fucking hate PC gamers who say shit like the guy you’re responding to.

There’s no denying this is cracking down primarily on poorer people, so handwringing about how you’re wealthy enough that this will never be a problem for you, even manufacturing stops and prices go up, but not technically “rich” is pretty funny stuff.

Yeah, this isn’t cracking down on dangerous and unfair controllers or whatever, this is cracking down on poor people. It’s particularly nasty because it’s coming in years after people have bought cheaper peripherals.

Disney’s worldwide rights do not extend to UK and NI” - Have you got a source for this? It’s fairly routine for UK shows to be on terrestrial channels and Netflix, particularly Channel 4 and BBC ones, particularly if they just lag one series behind.

They wouldn’t be patenting it unless they intended to patent troll/tech block, I would suggest. It would serve literally no purpose to patent something like this, especially as they’ve basically been using this kind of tech (which is fundamentally obvious and shouldn’t have allowed to be patented, unfortunately the

That’s absolute fucking drivel.

Yeah really fucking the absolute cunts at R* for patenting this. Not only is fairly obvious and shouldn’t have been allowed to be patented, all it’s going to do is fuck animation for the rest of the gaming industry for a couple of decades.

That would usually only happen if a streaming service which did operate in Ireland had somehow picked up the rights instead of Disney. Occasionally stuff just falls through the cracks, but that’s not the case here, as Disney has the worldwide rights, and that likely includes UK/NI on the Disney - I’d be surprised if

The Doctor already drives the Tardis like he’s trying to do the maximum possible damage to it so...

I think some of what seems ridiculous there is merely that it’s set in a more reasonable country than the US and was written in a different era. Like, I don’t think his time in prison not being awful is particularly ridiculous for Northern Europe at all, especially not Sweden. If it was the US, which has literally 25%

My instinct was to disagree but you’ve made your point too well! I totally get what you’re saying re: Easy Rider, I remember watching it in the later 1990s after it being hyped to high heaven by various Boomers (not that we called them that back then), that and Zabriskie Point, and just being like “I guess...” about

I wouldn’t put too much faith in the Spiritborn stuff.

Another poster checked the cost of every single piece of glass on a GLC from the Mercedes website, and it’s just over $4000. You’re proposing adding what, $11000 to $16000 in labour?

The video makes it look like the guys had been told where, approximately, the car was, and were out looking for it specifically, spotted it from across the road (also the angle they spotted it at means it couldn’t have been bumper stickers or the like), smashed it up kind of carefully targeting only the windows, and