
I can’t find any evidence that happened, but it’s from that era where virtually everything on the internet is just gone now, and it absolutely sounds like something that would have happened with NYPD Blue.

Oh boy, Gangs of London, that is a terrible, really shockingly bad, very close to actively unwatchable show. All it’s really got going for it is that Sope Dirisu is a really large good-lookin’ dude who isn’t bad in fight scenes, but boy are there a lot of fight scenes and they’re just wildly

I didn’t know there was a DC of Hellboy, I’ll have to take a look out for that.

Honestly those both seem like fair suggestions to me.

My understanding is that the main reason Herbert wrote the later novels is because he saw the advances Heinlein and Clarke were getting for their new books in the late ‘70s, when SF publishing was becoming big business, and was like, okay, I’d better get in on this.”

They definitely are. There has never, as far as I know, been a movie or show so bad you couldn’t find a bunch of people willing to say it was between “Good” and “BLEW MY MIND AMAZING” as reactions.

It took some serious effort to fuck up Cowboy Bebop, but Netflix was willing to put in the work.

You seem to be under the wildly bizarre opinion that places that “allow” dogs advertise it blatantly and obviously in some way. The vast majority do not - either it’s on their website, or you have to ask, or occasionally there’s a small sign (but that’s not typical, in my experience). Usually it’s just the absence of

This is an attractive suggestion.

I agree, but there’s a difference between “Not a game for me” and complaints that fundamentally don’t make sense. This is the latter.

I’d been using the name Theon (which I came up with at like 11) for all my CRPG and some of my MMO characters, and then I read a little book called A Game of Thrones, and well that was over, and the TV series only made it way, way more over.

Yes I was thinking of getting this, though maybe not for a month or two, and very glad I read it because my instincts would have been the same as the writer - find I build I liked and try desperately to make it work in all situations.

Sure it is better, because you can be intelligent in how you change your loadout.

That’s a great video, thank you!

Argh don’t make me resubscribe to Disney just so I can rewatch Andor, I’ll do it next year!

Christ I live in the UK and didn’t know that re: pronunciation. Even by our standards that’s particularly dumb. 

There’s never been a rule that Switch games must have identical features and modes to non-Switch versions, and indeed, they often do not.

Later in the ceremony, the stage was rushed by the Dancing Itos.”

I mean, that has a lot more style and is more together as a look than shirtless Bats so, I think he’s right on that basis.

Their setup looks so godawful ergonomically that I don’t think Nintendo would sue just because they wouldn’t want to be associated with that mess.