
It's far worse in D4 than is normal for the genre due to you needing to be selling loot for gold. In other games you eventually ignore most items as valueless or not upgrades, but in D4 the economy is balanced on the assumption you sell pretty much every yellow and even blue item for gold. So you have to pick them up

Good god you’re stupid when trying to be clever. I really hope you’re doing a bit.

Hahahaha honestly god help you.

Might want to actually read Author’s Guild vs Google before making such bold proclamations.

Yeah this is a ridiculously high effort attack reliant on a whole bunch of factors lining up - one of those being no MFA. It’s just not something that’s going to be an issue for any normal person.

This is a story that’s been floating around in various forms since at least 2017, and I could swear to god that I heard it as far back as the very late 1990s or early 2000s. In the latter case it involved spying and the idea was that the audio bug somehow allowed them to guess which key had been pressed - I suspect

“A LOT of MtG’s art is pretty poor when scaled above card size.”

Yeah this is one of the major issues with 5E’s art direction, and it’s especially obvious when compared to Magic The Gathering, which consistently does daring stuff with its art (sometimes even clearly intentionally courting controversy - but never without producing really good art!).

I’ve been following WotC for 25+ years now, and they’ve changed a lot, but looking at the D&D team specifically, my personal estimation is that no-one at the top of any of the aspects of the D&D team, whether it’s design, art, adventures, or whatever, really has the passion that they need. They’re all people who are

You have literally no idea what an art director does, huh? That’s absolutely not what “they say”, and they absolutely do ask those kind of questions, you profound ignoramus. I mean fucking hell, your ignorance here is utterly staggering, especially combined with that “internet wanker” utter self-confidence.

The not discussed but particularly surprising and cool thing re saves in BG3 is that you really can save virtually at any time, including in the middle of conversations, which is part of why one ends up with so many quicksaves.

Aha that would make sense.

It’s possible I am. What I do know is, in London, it was plastered all over the buses, all over billboards, and it was also advertised heavily online, or at least I certainly got a lot of ads for it, and so on.

Seconding that congrats to Linda! Honestly ridiculously well-deserved.

Honestly you’re insulting the Corolla, a perfectly solid and serviceable car, by comparing it to Max, which is increasingly a trash fire. It’s more like some dubious American offering which barely even functions and gets pathetic mileage.

Those seem like pretty weak excuses, honestly, especially given that Elemental had absolutely massive marketing (at least here), bigger than Flash even (and much bigger than Ruby which barely had marketing). I guess we’ll see but it seems ridiculous to be trying to make out it was anything other than another flop in a

That seems extremely unlikely, frankly. This film lost money - probably a lot given the massive advertising - and barely outperformed The Good Dinosaur, which we know Disney considered a massive flop.

when it’s not coming out of the mouth of Rudy effing Giuliani” - Indeed. It’s like being sexually harassed by some sort of ghoul or lich.

Yeah, and even if The World’s End is “more challenging” to the audience it’s not exactly challenging. The biggest challenge it offers is that it’s kind of boring. Whereas Hot Fuzz has the distinction of being a comedic masterpiece.

I’m kind of in a bind there.