
Yes, what GRRM is showing here is two things:

I’m less cool with that because virtually all of the “free” art they’re passing on is made entirely from stolen art, and there’s so much of it that it’s completely swamping real art.

What you don’t seem to understand here is that DriveThru are a private business, not a court of law, and they can reject your submissions for any reason they like.

Yes that’s the main thing here. It’s not at all difficult to find good, cheap art if that’s all you’re looking for.

How stupid are you? Definitely at least “very stupid”.

The same bullshit getting repeated because it’s good clickbait for bad nerds doesn’t in any way make it valid, and you know that.

“Didn’t Cavill basically leave because they had no interest in or respect for the books and their author?”

As a dress code, though, it’s obviously a very corporate one, rather than one which is taking into account the actual competitors in any way, and that’s further proof that as sports, eSports are at best in an extremely undeveloped and thoughtless stage where the desires of the competitors are not of interest. Banning

Kenku got changed - they don’t only imitate any more. That was just bizarre early 5E lore that’s been de-canonized.

I don’t think there will be, I’m afraid. The reactivity to races means if you add more, you’d need to get a huge number of voice actors in to record extra lines, re-record lines, and so on.

To be fair there is reactivity to all these races - some of them quite significant reactivity, so they’ve created a high bar for themselves to adding other races. Plus the facial animations are fairly elaborate.

I mean, to be real, you would have to score your character’s attractiveness yourself, because if you try and set up an algorithm to determine whether a character is hot or not, it would end so incredibly badly, because it’s definitely going to biased and limited in some horrific ways. Most attempts at that sort of

Exactly. The way a lot of us were playing back then was just unhealthy, and don’t get me started on guild leaders, I’ve seen the best of them and the worst of them and even been the most mediocre of them!

You don’t get to pretend like I’m the badguy when your opener was calling everyone snowflakes, matey.

Yeah I missed the boat on Diablo 1, I um must admit I thought it was “dumb and for kids”. I realized the error of my ways, though.

Right? What next, we’re suggesting that people who used to stay logged in and by the computer for literally days at a time in EverQuest were “real men” and people who play FFXIV are just “snowflakes” because aren’t camping for days, grinding for months, enduring multi-hour-long boss fights and so on?

“When us old folks were playing Diablo II we could go for days, weeks or even months before seeing a “unique” (which roughly equate to Legendries in D3/D4). It was a massive special event to even get one.”

I’m not married to them being white - you definitely see some ethnically South and East Asian Tesla stans (albeit mostly Americans by nationality). What tends to unite them is a tunnel-vision belief that the more financially successful you are, the better/cooler a person you are (this tends to be associated with them

Yeah even a year or so ago, Tesla had plenty of stans, many of them just boring middle-aged white men who liked Musk as a “successful businessman” or “innovator” or “rocket guy” and “safe” provocateur. Most of those people now? Acting like they never liked him, certainly not buying a Tesla. When you manage to be

He somehow convinced “normal” people to subscribe to Twitter.”